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Pop Keanu movies shirt

Smart using the purple font. Pop Keanu movies shirt had at Avengers while setting them up for the 3rd installment of this Masterpiece. I will admit I am not the biggest Keanu Reeves fan when it comes to his acting. HOWEVER, he is one of my favorite people in the world. The most real humble famous person in existence and I always applaud him for how hard he prepares for his roles, especially in the john wick series. Just an all around stand up guy. I will still be watching his movies just to see him succeed. Guns, a lot of Guns If he said that to Laurence Fishburne; it would have been perfect. Wow, I must confess when I heard that there was going to be a 3rd movie I was too crazy about the idea really what it is going to be like and wow I might actually see this in the movie theater now. Remember that time when John Wick was a revenge movie with stellar action scenes.

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